Homework #9

I have created two different photomontages. The first is used by three separate images found on Google with creative common licenses. I found a picture of an empty field and a black and white photo of an alien spaceship. After rasterizing the photo, I added a layer mask to take out the tree since it did not blend well with the other photo. I selected the "soft light" blend option as this gave the clearest and coolest image. I added a third image of aliens and changed its opacity so that it gave a hologram type look.

For the second image I used two color images from Google. I again used soft light to blend these options together. I used the quick selection tool to crop out a space shuttle from a third image and masked it onto the image. I did not change the opacity of this image because I purposefully wanted it to look fake and unrealistic.

I then played with the colors and saturation of both images to perfect the look of each.

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